
Cookie files

Privacy policy

This Privacy Policy describes how ProfHolod LLC collects, processes and stores your personal data. Please see our Privacy Policy (hereinafter - the Policy) and the Practice of the use of cookies (hereinafter - the Practice), collectively referred to as the "Documents".

We may periodically change the terms of the Privacy Policy and Cookies Practices without prior notice, so please check from time to time. These Documents were last updated on January 11, 2019. By accessing and using this Site, you agree to these Documents.

Information We Collect

ProfHolod LLC collects data on certain areas of the Sites when you register for newsletters and alerts of ProfHolod LLC, participate in our events, subscribe to conferences and events, and / or participate in public user forums (such as message boards, discussion forums and polls).

When registering on the Site, you provide us with your personal data that is not special or biometric, indefinitely (until you revoke your consent to the processing of personal data): name, phone number, email address, as well as other information related to you ( to an individual) directly or indirectly. For example, by registering for newsletters or notifications of ProfHolod LLC, you agree to receive the correspondence you subscribed to at the email address that you indicated during registration. Only ProfHolod LLC or its agents will contact you at this email address.

We may also automatically collect information about the devices that you use to interact with our Sites. The information we automatically collect may include the IP address, device identifier, web browser and browsing information obtained using cookies, web beacons, pixels, transparent pictures and other similar technologies (collectively, “Cookies and other tracking technologies ") on our Sites. We may also automatically collect information about how you use the Sites, for example, what you searched for and viewed on the Sites. Information automatically collected will be associated with any personal data you provide.

Use of Information

he personal data we collect may be used if we have your specific consent to this, or if ProfHolod LLC has a legitimate interest or other legal basis for the processing of such information. In some situations, the collection of personal data may be required for the operation of the Sites or for the provision of certain services or products. ProfHolod LLC uses your personal data to fulfill your requests for information, process your requests for participation in conferences and events, to personalize the content that you view or receive on the Sites, evaluate and improve our services, send you newsletters and notifications, the applicants recruits and evaluates the work, analyze the effectiveness and functioning of the Sites, publish your letters to the editor or comments, prevent fraud, ensure compliance with our terms of use, comply with all applicable laws and obligations regarding corporate reporting, ensure compliance with the agreements of ProfHolod LLC and fulfill other goals that you can initiate or request. We can store any of your personal data in a file and use it to contact you.

ProfHolod LLC may use cookies and other third-party tracking technologies to manage our Sites and our services and collect analytical data about how you use them. The information contained in this Privacy Policy and cookie practice also applies to these other tracking technologies.

Data recipients

ProfHolod LLC will not intentionally disclose or transmit (and will take reasonable measures to prevent unauthorized or accidental disclosure) of your personal data to third parties without your consent, whether for your own marketing purposes or otherwise, with the exception of the following cases. ProfHolod LLC may provide access to your personal data to third-party service providers hired by ProfHolod LLC to provide services related to the Sites, provided that such third-party service providers first agree to maintain strict confidentiality of such information and provide the same level of data security secured by ProfHolod LLC.

We may also transfer your personal data to third-party service providers who perform services and functions on our behalf in order to support our interaction with you, including, for example, processing materials for hire, conducting surveys or competitions or communicating with you. These third-party service providers are not permitted to use or disclose your personal data, unless it is necessary to provide services on our behalf or to comply with legal requirements.

In addition, we may disclose information about you:
  • If we are required to do so by law or in the framework of a lawsuit;
  • Law enforcement agencies or other government officials;
  • When we consider that disclosure is necessary or appropriate to prevent physical damage or financial loss, or in connection with an investigation of suspected or actual illegal activity;
  • If disclosure is necessary to protect a person’s vital interests;
  • To protect our property, services and legal rights;
  • To prevent fraud in relation to LLC ProfHolod and / or business partners;
  • Support audit, compliance, and corporate governance functions; or
  • Comply with all applicable laws.

We support processes designed to ensure that any processing of personal data by third-party service providers complies with this Privacy Policy and protects the confidentiality, accessibility and integrity of your personal data.

In addition, we may disclose or transfer your personal data in the event of a reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, transfer or other transfer or alienation of all or any part of our business.

User Forums

You should be aware that whenever you publicly disclose information on the Internet, this information may be collected and used by others. ProfHolod LLC is not responsible for any actions or policies of any third parties that collect information that users publicly disclose in any such forums on the Sites.

Link to third-party sites

ProfHolod LLC may provide links to third-party websites or information as a service for our users. If you use these links, you will leave the Sites. Such links are not or do not imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by ProfHolod LLC, a third party, a third-party website or the information contained therein, and ProfKholod LLC is not responsible for your use. Such use is subject to the terms of use and privacy policies applicable to these sites.

Social network

Sites may allow you to log in and link your social media accounts, including but not limited to LinkedIn, Facebook VK and YouTube, with ProfHolod LLC. Sites can also allow you to log in to your ProfHolod LLC account using certain social network credentials.

By linking your social network account with ProfHolod LLC or by logging into ProfHolod LLC account using the credentials of a social network account, you give us permission to access the information that you have made available in your public profile for this account social network. The information available in your public profile depends on the social network and your settings, but may include your email address, real name, profile photo, gender and location. We use the information we receive from your social network account in accordance with the terms of use of the social network and this Privacy Policy. Please refer to the privacy settings in your social network account for information on what data is transferred to ProfHolod LLC and other connected applications, as well as to manage data transmitted through your account.

If you want to disconnect a social network account from us, refer to the settings of this social network account and its provider.

Recruiting portal of ProfHolod LLC

Through the employment portal of ProfHolod LLC you can apply for vacancies at ProfHolod LLC or register with the ProfHolod LLC recruiting program, where you can receive notifications of any potential vacancies or other similar opportunities that may be of interest. The Employment Confidentiality Notice describes in more detail how ProfHolod LLC processes and protects the personal data that we collect in connection with the hiring process.


ProfHolod LLC has implemented generally accepted standards of technology and operational security to protect personal data from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction. Access to personal data is provided only to authorized personnel of ProfHolod LLC and third-party service providers, and these employees and service providers should consider this information as confidential. Despite these precautions, ProfHolod LLC cannot guarantee that unauthorized persons will not gain access to your personal data.

Limitation of liability

ProfHolod LLC is not responsible for the operation of this website and does not give any representations or guarantees of the absence of malfunctions and errors or correction of malfunctions. ProfHolod LLC is not responsible for the possible presence of viruses or other programs that can cause damage on the site or server on which it is located.

Please note that the Internet is not a fully protected environment, and there is the possibility of interception, loss, damage or alteration of the transmitted information. Since users gain access to this site on a server located in the Russian Federation, the information on this site is considered to be provided in the Russian Federation and is regulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. In the event that you gain access to this site from territory outside the Russian Federation, you assume the risk and full responsibility for compliance with local, national or international laws.

ProfHolod LLC does not accept any responsibility in connection with the access, use or inability to use this site, any products, services or content on this site, or otherwise in connection with the transfer, interception or damage of information transmitted to this site. site or from this site.

Links to other sites are provided for informational purposes only and have not been analyzed by ProfHolod LLC. ProfHolod LLC is not responsible for and does not endorse the content of these sites or web pages. ProfHolod LLC is not responsible for any losses or penalties that may be incurred or applied in connection with links to certain sites.

Data retention policy

ProfHolod LLC saves personal data, if necessary, for the duration of the relevant business relationship. We can also store personal data longer than the duration of a business relationship if we need to keep it in order to protect ourselves from legal claims, use it for analysis or historical records, or follow our information management policies and schedules.


The sites are not intended and not intended for children aged 13 years and younger, and ProfHolod LLC does not collect and do not intentionally store personal data about persons who have not reached this age.

Your rights

We hereby inform you that if you want to clarify your personal data, block or destroy it if the personal data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained or is not necessary for the stated purpose of processing, or if If you wish to withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data or to eliminate our illegal actions in relation to your personal data, you must send us an official request by Russian Post at Yesu: 141101, Moscow Region, Shchelkovo, ul. Zavodskaya, 2, PO Box 1603 as the recipient must specify: LLC "ProfKholod"

If you send us an official request in the request text, you must indicate yours: - Name; - the number of the main document proving the identity of the subject of personal data or his representative, information on the date of issue of the said document and the authority that issued it; - information confirming your participation in relations with us or information that otherwise confirms the fact that we have processed your personal data; - Signature of a citizen (or his legal representative).

If the request is sent in electronic form, then it must be executed in the form of an electronic document and signed by electronic signature in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

We undertake to immediately terminate the processing of your personal data from the moment you receive a written statement (recall) from you and / or if you achieve the purpose of the processing and destroy it on time and under the conditions established by law.

If you withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data, we have the right to continue processing personal data without your consent if there are grounds specified in clauses 2–11 of part 1 of article 6, part 2 of article 10 and part 2 of article 11 of Federal Law No. 152 of July 27, 2006 -FZ "On personal data"

We are not responsible for the information that you provide on the Site in a public form. You can unsubscribe from marketing, advertising and newsletters by sending us a corresponding request to the e-mail address (E-mail) info@profholod.ru. You can also unsubscribe from mailing lists or any registrations on any of the Sites. To do this, follow the instructions on the Website page on which you provided such information, subscribed or registered, or contact us at the address indicated at the bottom of this Privacy Policy.

To contact us

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, please contact us at info@profholod.ru or 141100, Shchelkovo, Moscow Region, ul. Factory, 2, a / I 1603

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